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Decision makers in EU cultural heritage visit and conference in Bulgaria’s Rose Valley

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Decision makers in EU cultural heritage visit and conference in Bulgaria’s Rose Valley

22 May 2023 – Policy makers, industry leaders and regional representatives are meeting this week at a policy conference and tour of one of Europe’s leading fragrance ingredient production regions. Delegates will be discussing how upcoming EU legislative changes will affect the fragrance sector while exploring an area of outstanding beauty, one deeply rooted in the EU’s rural development and cultural heritage.

The two-day visit, taking place on 23-24 May in Kazanlak, Bulgaria, will see government ministers from the host country, Members of the European Parliament, the Mayors of Grasse and Kazanlak and EU Commission officials join fragrance sector leaders to discuss challenges facing the sector industry and the potential impact of new EU legislation.

The event is being hosted by the Bulgarian National Association for Essential Oils, Perfumery and Cosmetics (BNAEOPC) and supported in the organization by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA).

Under the wider umbrella of the fostering of EU cultural heritage, participants will also look at how to boost sustainability and competitiveness in the fragrance value chain. They will examine cultural, social, environmental and economic opportunities and challenges in ensuring and advancing the safe and sustainable use of fragrances. Finally, guests will talk about how policy makers can craft legislation that supports the development of sectors like ours.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Aurelie Perrichet, Regional Director for Europe, IFRA said, “I am delighted that key EU and national decision makers are coming to Bulgaria to pursue the dialogue. These stakeholders have a key role to play in the shaping of upcoming EU rules which will impact the fragrance value chain”.

Bulgaria is a world leader in the production of rose and lavender oils, as well as a number of other key fragrance ingredients. The region is an excellent example of the value the fragrance sector brings to Europe in terms of innovation, rural and regional development, cultural heritage, high workforce skills and sustainable tourism.

“We entirely agree with the overarching goals of the European Green Deal – which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent”, added Ms Perrichet. “During this visit we will highlight and discuss some of the potentially unintended consequences that Green Deal changes to EU chemical legislation might bring”.

Gergana Andreeva, Executive Director of BNAEOPC, also greeted guests, saying “I am honored to receive these distinguished guests to one of the European fragrance sector’s most important production sites. The high-quality fragrance ingredients grown and processed here has shaped Bulgaria’s aura in the field. We are part of Europe’s profound scent-related cultural heritage and contribute to the recognition of the Rose Valley as a worldwide tourist destination.”

The visit will kick off with a policy conference exploring the potential impact of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability on the fragrance sector. Speakers and panelists will discuss the policy context and seek to address how the sector can continue to grow whilst remaining competitive and increasingly sustainable.

Maria Spyraki MEP

Attending the conference, Maria Spyraki, Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for the revision of the Regulation on the Classification, Labeling and Packaging of chemicals (CLP) for the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament said, “The updated CLP legislation will increase the level of protection for the consumer and the environment. The bioeconomy contributes to the objectives of the Green Deal, so it is important to have an appropriate classification for bio-sourced substances – and to consider the specific characteristics of essential oils”.

“Essential oils are natural complex substances with specific components. They have been used for centuries and are already regulated. Natural fragrance ingredients are also an important part of the EU’s agriculture sector and the industry, staring with fragrance creating jobs and growth over decades. We must enhance and reinforce this sector, ensuring safety and sustainability as the main pillars of the production”.

“The fragrance industry is deeply rooted in European culture and is part of Europe’s economic and innovative success story. As the Rapporteur for the CLP file, I will do my best to ensure a proper framework for the sector at European level”.

“Bulgaria is a world leader in essential oils production and we strongly support the whole value chain of this industry starting with agriculture, local small and medium size companies”.

Andrey Novakov MEP

Andrey Novakov, Member of the European Parliament, and member of the REGI Committee said, “I am attending this conference because as a Bulgarian I am proud of my country’s leading contribution to this global industry – born in Europe.

“Bulgaria is the number one producer of damascena rose and lavender oils – and I believe we need EU legislation that takes into account the needs of fragrance ingredient growers here”.

“We have a responsibility as Members of the European Parliament to make the voice of our farmers and local companies is heard at European level, and make sure that revision of technical legislation does not undermining decades of regional prosperity and centuries of cultural heritage”.

Yavor Gechev, Minister for Agriculture, Bulgaria

“Agriculture is not just an important part of our economy, it is also socially and environmentally important. The rose, lavender and fragrance ingredient growers of this exceptional area in and around Kazanlak mark Bulgaria’s success as an exporter of high-quality ingredients”, said Yavor Gechev, Minister for Agriculture, Bulgaria.

“I welcome visitors from across Europe to discuss how we can support balanced chemicals legislation that supports rather than undermines what we have built here”.

Jérome Viaud, Mayor of Grasse

“Fragrance is the DNA of Grasse, and I am a firm supporter of the heritage, expertise, people and professions that make Grasse unique in the world as the World Capital of Perfume. I am proud that my home is twinned with Kazanlak – together we make possible the range of high-quality fragrances that people around the world love”, said Jérome Viaud, Mayor of Grasse, attending the conference on Tuesday.

“My aim is to work closely with all European fragrance regions and to build bridges with the policy makers at EU level. We stand ready to support them in making the right legislative choices to support fragrance ingredient production regions like mine”.

“We cannot let our fabulous legacy, handed down by dozens of generations, disappear from human history”.

Galina Stoyanova, Mayor of Kazanlak

“It is my honor to welcome distinguished guests on the eve of the Bulgarian national day of Bulgarian Education and Culture. I look forward to an exciting opportunity to exchange on the topics of EU regulation and their impact on rose and lavender growers here in Kazanlak”, said Galina Stoyanova, Mayor of Kazanlak.

“The fragrance sector is deeply committed to sustainability, as evidenced by the horticultural process of our local growers, and those of my colleague Mr Viaud in Grasse. Our growers dedication to innovation, rural development, skills and cultural heritage demonstrates how much there is to foster”.


Notes for editors

Bulgarian version

The Bulgarian translation of this press release can be found below. The English version remains the official version of record.


Charles de Lusignan,

Global Communications Director

The International Fragrance Association (IFRA)

Headquarters: Rue de la Croix d’Or 3, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Operations: Avenue des Arts 6, 1210 Brussels, Belgium

M: + 32 484 78 11 76 | |

About the International Fragrance Association (IFRA)

The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA comprises seven multinational Regular Members and 23 national associations in four global regions representing hundreds of small and medium-sized fragrance ingredient manufacturers, as well as supporting members. Its mission is to promote the safe use of fragrance for everyone’s enjoyment.

Fragrances are a key platform technology used by consumer goods companies – for fine fragrances, personal care products, household care and more.

IFRA’s flagship safe use program, the IFRA Standards, applies safety management measures based on scientific assessment and the evaluations of an independent Expert Panel. The program is at the heart of the IFRA Code of Practice, which applies to all IFRA members globally, including members of IFRA’s national associations. The Code also requires members to abide by local, national and international regulation, and to apply good manufacturing practices.

About the Bulgarian National Association for Essential Oils, Perfumery and Cosmetics (BNAEOPC)

Established in 1999, BNAEOPC includes local and multinational producers and traders of essential oils, perfumery and cosmetics, as well as companies related to the industry – producers and traders of raw materials, packaging, and equipment.



The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA comprises seven multinational Regular Members and 23 national associations in four global regions representing hundreds of small and medium-sized fragrance ingredient manufacturers, as well as supporting members. Its mission is to promote the safe use of fragrance for everyone’s enjoyment.

Fragrances are a key platform technology used by consumer goods companies – for fine fragrances, personal care products, household care and more.

IFRA’s flagship safe use program, the IFRA Standards, applies safety management measures based on scientific assessment and the evaluations of an independent Expert Panel. The program is at the heart of the IFRA Code of Practice, which applies to all IFRA members globally, including members of IFRA’s national associations. The Code also requires members to abide by local, national and international regulation, and to apply good manufacturing practices. 


Charles de Lusignan

Charles de Lusignan

Press contact Global Communications Director General communications and media relations 0032484781176
Marta Varela

Marta Varela

Press contact Events and Communications Manager Events and Communications

Promoting the safe and sustainable use of fragrance

The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA's mission is to promote the safe and sustainable use of fragrance.

The International Fragrance Association - IFRA

Rue de la Croix d’Or 3
1204 Geneva