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报告显示,香料能使消费品的价值提升10倍 新近一份报告显示,香料能将香水、化妆品和清洁产品的价值提升10倍。 “香料的价值”是专业服务公司普华永道代表国际香料协会(IFRA)实施的一项研究。该研究显示,仅香料成分的制造就为全球经济带来了72亿欧元的增值,对于25个消费品类别的增值则介于480亿至720亿欧元之间。 亚太地区的香料行业在全球增值**中所占比例高达42%,其中中国是全球最大的推动因素,仅一个国家就创造了15.4亿欧元(合16.9亿美元)的增值。新加坡是香料行业的研发和创新中心,创造的直接增值达2.27亿欧元(合2.48亿美元)。

Scents and sound

Scents and sound

To mark International Podcast Day on 30 September, we have put together a small selection of podcasts and radio programs about scent, smell, fragrance and perfume. Download, take a listen, and enjoy...

IFRA joins EPAA and CEFIC-LRI in alternatives workshop

IFRA joins EPAA and CEFIC-LRI in alternatives workshop

IFRA Europe joined with the European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing and Cefic-LRI to convene relevant industry and EU Members State regulatory agencies to a meeting at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki on 7-8 February 2019.

Introducing IFRA to the Middle East

Introducing IFRA to the Middle East

IFRA President Martina Bianchini participated in the Fragrance Innovation Arabia conference, joining many passionate and engaged professionals from the fragrance industry in Dubai and allowing them to understand more about what IFRA does.

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Promoting the safe and sustainable use of fragrance

The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA's mission is to promote the safe and sustainable use of fragrance.

The International Fragrance Association - IFRA

Rue de la Croix d’Or 3
1204 Geneva